Remember that cutie you had a crush on back in school? Feichang fresh returns with a song just like that, here it is!
The following is extracted from the music video itself, happy learning!!!
小可愛(In pinyin xiǎokěài): Little cutie
邂逅(In pinyin xièhòu): An encounter that wasn't expected
回頭(In pinyin huítóu): To turn one's head around to see someone
認識(In pinyin rènshì): To get to meet and know someone
愛上(In pinyin àishàng): To fall in love with
暗示(In pinyin ànshì): To hint or suggest
什麼時候(In pinyin shénmēshíhòu): When?
坦承(In pinyin tǎnchéng): To admit
永遠等待(In pinyin yǒngyuǎnděngdài): To wait forever
辜負(In pinyin gūfù): To disappoint or let down
期待(In pinyin qídài): To have expectations towards
崇拜(In pinyin chóngbài): To worship or adore
欲罷不能(In pinyin yùbàbùnéng): Cannot refrain from carrying on
怪不怪(In pinyin guàibúguài): Isn't it strange?
親愛(In pinyin qīnài): Dear
同感(In pinyin tónggǎn): To feel the same about something
無可救藥(In pinyin wúkějiùyào): Hopeless
念頭(In pinyin niàntóu): A thought or idea
無論如何(In pinyin wúlùnrúhé): No matter what
未來(In pinyin wèilái): The future
某天(In pinyin mǒutiān): Some day
I feel that it's a mouthful of expressions, idioms and words that one must grasp in order to learn a language, but hey, you need vocabulary to start somewhere right? Well, enjoy the music video!!!
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