There are several adverbs that we can attach to the character 我 such as......
我能(wǒ néng) = I have the ability to
我行/我可以(wǒ xín /wǒ kě yǐ) = I can
我要(wǒ yào)= I want to
我不要(wǒ bú yào)= I don't want to
我有(wǒ yǒu)= I have
我沒有(wo3 mei2 you3)= I don't have
Some examples that can be extended from 我要-->
我要出去(wǒyàochūqù)= I want to go out.
我要開會(wǒyàokāihuì)= I want to have a meeting.
我要吃飯(wǒyàochīfàn)= I want to eat.
我要去嗎?(wǒ yào qù mā)= Do I need to go?
Examples for 我有:
我有一些錢(wǒ yǒu yì xiē qián)= I have some money.
我有話要說(wǒ yǒu huà yào shuō)= I have something to say.
我有問題要問(wǒ yǒu wèn tí yào wèn)= I have a question to ask.
我有事要做(wǒ yǒu shì yào zuò)= I need to do something.
Examples for 我不要(wǒ bú yào):
我不要出去(wǒ bú yào chū qù)= I don't want to go out.
我不要吃飯(wǒ bú yào chī fàn)= I don't want to eat.
我不要休息(wǒ bú yào xīu xí)= I don't want to rest.
我不要上班(wǒ bú yào shàng bān)= I don't want to work.
Examples for 我沒有(wǒ méi yǒu)= I don't have/I didn't.
我沒有錢(wǒ méi yǒu qián)= I don't have money.
我沒有辦法(wǒ méi yǒu bàn fǎ)= I don't know what to do.
我沒有叫車(wǒ méi yǒu jiào chē)= I didn't call a taxi
我沒有零錢(wǒ méi yǒu líng qián)= I don't have spare change.
Rather interesting, isn't it? Just some of the simple uses of the character "I" and it's adverbs.
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